pocketsnacks //

motion graphics, animation, design, & direction.

mistersiegler @ gmail.com

created in the pacific northwest by sean siegler.

Seeing as how the everyday master beeple just celebrated 7 years of putting out a new image everyday, I though I would slap up a few links of other people out there doing this as well.

__. Digital Manipulation : It looks like he started this year and everything he does is great!

__. Errrrrrrrryday : Over 100 days of  pure #C4D goodness.

__. Rovino: Project 365 : Loads of really cool stuff including a bunch of stuff with X-Particles I would love to know how to do. Seriously loving his stuff.

__. Everydayallweekallyear  Rich Nosworthy is obviously really talented and has some stuffing pieces up.